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UC Merced Smoking Study VAPOR
Are You An Active Smoker?
We would love to get together and hear what you think when you smoke. We will even pay you for your time. Click to find out more.
UC Merced Smoking Study
Get Them to Join our Study and Earn Money
If you refer a smoker, and they enroll, you can earn $5. Click to find out more.
But What Do Smokers Think When They Smoke?
We're not going to try and get you to quit or give you a lecture. We will pay you to complete a survey. Click to find out more.




Are you a smoker, or do you know a smoker?! The University of California, Merced is currently looking for a limited number of smokers to join their survey based study. All volunteers will be paid for their time, and everything can be done from home via a smartphone. There is no hassle invloved or any effort to try and convince you to quit, we just want to better understand the role of knowing the risks when smoking each day. So if you do smoke, the question becomes, why would'nt you want to join?