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UC Merced Smoking Study VAPOR
Are You An Active Smoker?
We would love to get together and hear what you think when you smoke. We will even pay you for your time. Click to find out more.
UC Merced Smoking Study
Get Them to Join our Study and Earn Money
If you refer a smoker, and they enroll, you can earn $5. Click to find out more.
But What Do Smokers Think When They Smoke?
We're not going to try and get you to quit or give you a lecture. We will pay you to complete a survey. Click to find out more.

Study Details

What is this Study?

UC Merced TRC Smoking StudyUC Merced Smoking Study VAPORWe are interested in how smoking behavior relates to changes throughout the day in your everyday life. Are people more likely to smoke when they expect the day to be stressful? Do people perceive the same smoking health risks when smoking with every cigarette? What most influences peoples’ smoking behavior? These are some of the questions we will try to answer with our research- and with your help!

Who can Participate?

UC Merced Smoking Study EligibilitySmoking Study UC Merced VAPORWe are looking for people who are between the ages of 21-50 and who smoke at least 1 cigarette on 3 or more days each week. Unfortunately the survey is only available in English, so it is important that you are comfortable reading in the English language. Because the survey will be done on a smartphone device, you will also need to be comfortable reading on a small screen.


What do I have to do if I participate?

UC Merced Smoking StudyUC Merced Smoking Study VAPORFirst, you’ll come in for an hour-long survey and training session at the UC Merced campus on one of the following Saturdays:

At the session, we will help you download an app onto your smartphone or a provided device. The app will prompt you six times a day for the next week to respond to a short survey. There will be one survey once you wake up in the morning, once in the evening before bed, and four randomly throughout the day.

After the week is over, you will receive an Amazon gift card as compensation. 

Where do I go at the UC Merced Campus?

UC Merced Smoking StudyUC Merced Smoking Study VAPORAfter contacting us and letting us know you wish to participate, we will organize a time for you to attend the campus on one of the following Saturdays: 

Once your time is scheduled, you will come to the Social Science and Management building. We are located on the third floor in room 311. If you have any difficulty locating us during your scheduled time, we will be closely monitoring our email if you need to contact us for assistance.

All campus parking is free on Saturdays. 

What will be my compensation?

UC Merced Smoking StudySMoking Study UC Merced VAPORYou will receive an email with a $60 Amazon gift card once your participation is complete ($10 for the initial meeting at UC Merced, $50 for your participation in the study over the next week). If you complete at least 85% of the prompts, you will get an extra $10 for a total of $70. A simple and easy way to earn some extra spending money.


How do I receive payment?

You will receive an email with the link to the Amazon gift card at the end of the study. 

How do I sign up? 

You can email us directly at or use the Sign Up feature on this web page to contact us.