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UC Merced Smoking Study VAPOR
Are You An Active Smoker?
We would love to get together and hear what you think when you smoke. We will even pay you for your time. Click to find out more.
UC Merced Smoking Study
Get Them to Join our Study and Earn Money
If you refer a smoker, and they enroll, you can earn $5. Click to find out more.
But What Do Smokers Think When They Smoke?
We're not going to try and get you to quit or give you a lecture. We will pay you to complete a survey. Click to find out more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions? We Have the Answers!

If you you have additional questions that are not listed below, you can email your question to Deanna at


What is this study about?UC Merced Sign Up Icon Smoking Study

We are interested in how smoking behavior relates to changes throughout the day in your everyday life. Please look at the Study Details section for more information.


Are there any risks involved in participating?UC Merced Sign Up Icon Smoking Study

There is no anticipated physical, social, economic, or legal risks. There is a small risk some of the questions about personal information might make you feel a little uncomfortable, however you are free to skip those questions. The likelihood of this risk is expected to be minimal and no greater than that experienced in everyday life.


What do you do with my personal information?UC Merced Sign Up Icon Smoking Study

Any identifying information will be removed from your responses and replaced with an anonymized code. That code will be stored with some basic contact information in an encrypted file. None of your personal identifying details will be accessible to anyone beyond the principle researchers. Your privacy is very valuable to us.


What happens if I miss prompts?UC Merced Sign Up Icon Smoking Study

We understand that you may not always be able to respond to the prompt right when it notifies you of your next quiz. We ask for you to try to respond as soon as you are able. If the prompt is no longer available, it's okay. We just ask that you try and respond to as many as you can. Missing prompts will not have any impact on your base compensation, but those who respond to at least 85% of the total prompts will recieve a $10 bonus.


What if I don't want to answer some of the questions?UC Merced Sign Up Icon Smoking Study

If you need to skip a question for whatever reason, you are free to do so. There is absolutely no penalty if you feel uncomfortable responding to certain prompts.


What if I have to quit the study?UC Merced Sign Up Icon Smoking Study

If you have to quit the study for whatever reason, we completely understand. You will still receive compensation for your participation. Please email us to let us know that you have to end your participation.